Replace Volume

The soft tissue filler Juvederm Voluma is used to replace the loss of facial fat and volume and provide anatomically correct structural volume to support the deflated areas of the face. Our master Injectionist performs a Voluma Lift generally in approximately 30 minutes. Her steady but efficient hand allows the procedure to be performed quickly, effectively and safely.

Voluma face lift

Actual Beauty Bar Medispa patient demonstrates the dramatic transformational effects of Voluma on marionette lines.

Call (252) 752-1406 today to schedule a Juvederm Voluma appointment or request an appointment online!

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Beauty Bar Medispa.

Call or Text Us

(252) 752-1406


1021 Red Banks Rd.
Greenville, NC 27858


Mon-Tue-Thu: 8am to 5pm
Wed: 8am to 6pm
Fri: 8am to 3pm
Sat: By Appointment