Ranging from gentle no-downtime to more aggressive deep medical grade peels, which are mixed and customized to your individual skincare needs– includes deep cleanse and extractions.
Our custom treatments range in type from very superficial that smooths and brightens the outer layer of the skin to deeper treatments that require downtime. Performed by our licensed aesthetician, the gentle treatment is appropriate for all skin types and can be tailored to address a wide range of concerns related to the tone and texture of the skin, such as the following:
- Acne
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Sun damage
- Large pores
- Rough, uneven skin
- Discoloration
Our customized treatment are a popular skin care solution for many of our patients and unique to only Beauty Bar Medispa. They can revive otherwise dull-looking skin with little to no downtime. Even those with sensitive skin can opt to undergo a gentle customized treatment. The specific formula that is recommended to you will depend upon your skin type and the specific concerns you would like to improve.
This treatment starts with a deep cleanse, followed by a facial exam, and extractions on clogged pores. After a deep cleanse and extractions, the formula will be applied, left on for approximately 2 to 5 minutes and removed with cool towels.
Depending on your skin type and problem areas, our aesthetician will determine the right products and treatment for you.
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Some can be instant — but no matter the length of your plan, we’ll work together to achieve ultimate goals.