Pumpkin Peel
A Pumpkin enzyme base provides exfoliation and allows acids to penetrate clogged pores — this peel is considered gentle to moderate with no downtime. Can be used in conjunction with dermaplaning or in addition to selected peels. For all skin types.
Calming Peel
This anti-inflammatory peel helps remove dull layers of dead skin, improves skin texture, decongests skin, and is perfect for rosacea and acne clients. We recommend it be used in addition to our pumpkin treatment for optimal results — no downtime.
C Vitality Peel
Highly concentrated vitamins and fruit-driven anti-oxidants will balance your skin with nutrients. We recommend it be used in addition to our pumpkin treatment for optimal results &mdash no downtime.
Intensive Brightening Peel
Visibly lightens and brightens skin while it becomes softer and smoother. We recommend it be used in addition to our pumpkin treatment for optimal results — no downtime.
Hydrating Retinol Peel
Enhances the natural rejuvenation process, anti-aging, helps control acne and hydrates skin. This is a mild booster – We recommend it be used in addition to our pumpkin or modified jessner — possible flaking — no downtime.
Advanced Retinol Peel
A stronger, more intense version of our Hydrating Retinol peel. This peel will more than likely cause flaking or peeling and is recommended to be used in addition to our pumpkin or modified jessner — peeling is to be expected.
Modified Jessner Peel
Speeds up the rejuvenation process for more youthful skin. Great for acne, hyperpigmentation, and aging skin. Some peeling — minimal downtime.
Call (252) 752-1406 today to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online!
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